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Confidence, respect and a love of learning


English lessons are taught every day in every year group. Units of work typically last two to four weeks (depending on stimulus and genre) and, although they build towards a written outcome, develop skills in reading, listening and speaking, as well as writing.

Each year group covers a range of fiction and non-fiction text types and incorporate the teaching of spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG), in line with National Curriculum expectations.

In the SPaG Progression document, you will find guidance relating to the spelling, punctuation and grammar taught in each year group.

Early Years & Foundation Stage

In EYFS, children are exposed to a range of quality literature and encouraged to develop a love of books and stories. Additionally, vocabulary and background knowledge is carefully developed.

Reading is introduced in Reception through Read Write Inc, a structured programme which gives our children a strong foundation of synthetic phonics to build confidence and skill with unknown words.

Children are also exposed to a range of quality literature and activities designed to increase understanding and enjoyment of the texts they encounter.

See the English Curriculum Map for details of texts.

Key Stage 1

Spoken language and vocabulary remain at the heart of our reading curriculum. Vocabulary is taught both in explicit noun and verb sets and also as words which are encountered in texts.

Reading is taught primarily through synthetic phonics  using the Ruth Miskin scheme Read Write Inc (RWI). Children are grouped according to attainment. RWI is taught 5 days a week until the scheme is completed at the end of Year 1 or beginning of Year 2.

In addition to RWI, children will read and discover a range of other texts and tales, with a half termly  focus on a  specific skill.

See the English Curriculum Map for details of texts.

Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 we want to continue to develop children's love of reading by exposing them to a wide range of stories and poems that are diverse and engaging. Where possible we try to link their key texts in literacy to their wider curriculum learning and ensure we have many supplementary texts available for children to spark their interest and to independently develop their wider knowledge on a subject.

To support the teaching of Reading we also use Accelerated Reading and MyOn so we can accurately monitor children's progress and ensure that children are reading books at an appropriate level for them. 

These overviews detail the texts and genres taught in Key Stage 2 as well as the associated grammar focuses:

Year 3

year 3 bonner english curriculum overview .pdf

 Year 4

year 4 bonner english curriculum overview .pdf

 Year 5

year 5 bonner english curriculum overview .pdf

 Year 6

year 6 bonner english curriculum overview .pdf

Assessing Writing

End of year writing expectations for each year group can be found here.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

We look at a range of writing outcomes to make assessment judgements and work with the local borough to attend moderation sessions to support this process.

Special Events

We promote a love of literacy through whole phase or year group events such as World Book Day and regular author visits.

 World Book Day 2022

 We had a great day celebrating World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters. We spent the day doing lots of book-related activities!


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